2012 |
KBS TV “TV Museum”, 01/05/12, Seoul, Korea |
2011 |
“Life”Work- Herman Miller- Ideal Live/Work Space- by Rebecca Niederlander and Iris Anna Regn” |
“Review of Jung Hyang Kim’s Solo Show at the gallery BK”, by Kyehoon Ha, Wolgan Misool Magazine, Seoul, Korea |
“Daru,Jung Hyang Kim’s solo show at the galerie Caplain-Matignon”, Arts Gazette International No. 672 1, Paris, France |
“Artist-Jung Hyang Kim”, by Bogggi Kim, ARTinCUlture magazine, October, 2011, Seoul, Korea |
“Artist-Jung Hyang Kim”, Public Art Magazine, October, 2011, Seoul, Koerea |
“Artist Archive-Jung Hyang Kim”, Art in Asia, October, 2011 |
“Contemplating Culture-Jung Hyang Kim’s Solo Show”, MBC TV, 09/29/11, Seoul, Korea |
“Jung Hyang Kim’s Solo Exhibition”, Korean Economic Daily, by KyungGop Kim, 09/25/11, Seoul, Korea |
“Spiritoso- Jung Hyang Kim’s Solo Exhibition”, Asia Today, by Ju Jin, 09/22/11, Seoul, Korea |
“Painting as poetry- Jung Hyang Kim’s Solo Exhibition”, Chosun Daily, by Arram Kwak, 09/20/11, Seoul, Korea |
“Meet the Artist_Jung Hyang Kim’s Solo Exhibition”, Consumer Times, By KungHan Kim, 09/20/11,Seoul,Korea |
“Spiritoso- Jung Hyang Kim’s Solo Exhibition”, Art Chosun, 09/17/11, Seoul, Korea |
“Spiritoso- Jung Hyang Kim’s Solo Exhibition”, YeonHap News, 09/16/11, Seoul, Korea |
“Spiritoso- Jung Hyang Kim’s Solo Exhibition”,by In Wha Yoo, Senior reporter, KungHyang Daily, 09/16/11, Seoul, Korea |
“Wonder of Natural World- Jung Hyang Kim’s Solo Exhibition”, Moonhwa Daily, 09/15/11, Seoul, Korea |
KBS TV in to the culture 4/ 12/11, Busan, Korea |
2010 |
Jung Hyang Kim's Upstate New York Studio- Magazine "Happy Home" |
2009 |
Illumination in Brooklyn - Paris JiSung, by Sim Eunlog, November,2009, Paris, France |
"The Commonplace And the Spiritual", Benjamin Genocchio, the New York Times,9, 27, 2009, Art/ Long Island |
"New York Artist Jung Hyang Kim Show receives great review in the New York Times", Korea Times, 9, 29, 2009,
"Four Painter's show at Nahrah Gallery", Korea Times, 2009 |
"Artist Jung Hyang Kim's Life and Work", MOMNI, March 2009 |
2008 |
" Reconciling Art and Nature - New Paintings of Jung Hyang Kim" - Golf Herald, June 2008, vol.202 |
"Jung Hyang Kim's Show at the white Gallery", Munwha Daily |
"Business Advice for Artists for Artists", April 11, 2008, by Stacy Perman, |
Yu Yeon Kim, "Korea Transfer", Exhibition Catalogue, "Contemporary Korean Artist in New York", Permanent Mission of R.O.K to UN, NY |
2007 |
"Country Roads", August, 2007 |
" New York artist Jung Hyang Kim to complete subway project" - SBS News Seoul, Korea, May 28th 2007, |
"Interview with Artist - Jung Hyang Kim" - KBN - NEWS, New York, April 23rd, 2007, |
"Missing Train, Catching Art, The New York Sun, April 16, 2007, by Cindy Stockton Moore |
Woman's corner- Radio Korea, April 13th, Live, |
"New York Artist Jung Hyang Kim completes Brooklyn subway station Art", The Korea Times , April 11, 2007, By Jinhye Kim |
2006 |
“Pick of the week”, Amy Simon Fine Art Presents ‘The Spirit of Color’, West Port News, 11/17/2006 |
Wei, Lilly, "Jung Hyang Kim: Flower Wind and Floating Winds", Exhibition catalogue, Hun Gallery, October 2006, New York |
Sukie Park, “Jung Hyang Kim to have permanent installation at the J train Station”, Joongang Daily, 10/6/2006 |
Jeanette Fintz, “In/formed color at Brik gallery”, The Artful Mind, July 2006 |
“Three Artist - Spi-ritual”, the Korea Times, 6/8/2006 |
“Three Artist-mid career”, Joong Ang Daily, 6/2/2006 |
Wolgan Misul, “ People-Jung Hyang Kim at Yemac”, May, 2006 |
Goodman, Jonathan, “ Reconciling Art and Nature”, Exhibition catalogue, Yemac Gallery, April 2006, Seoul |
2005 |
Goodman, Jonathan, “Jung Hyang KIm- Recent Work”, Exhibition catalogue, Vernacular Press, June 2005, New York |
2003 |
Choe, Wolhee, " Puntuating Paradox", At the Crossroads, Exhibition catalogue, Gallery Korea, October 2003, New York |
2002 |
Zimmer,Bill,”Femininity Defined,In bare feet or shoes”, The New York Times, April/14,2002 |
2000 |
Ming Pao Daily News,3/4/2000,New York City, World Journal,3/4/2000, New York City |
The China Press, 3/3/2000, New York City |
Sing Tao Daily, 3/3/2000, New York City |
The Korea Times,3/3/2000, New York |
Lavatelli,Mark, Buffalo News ,January 2000,Buffalo ,N.Y. |
A Magazine,Dec/Jan,2000 |
1999 |
Buffalo Beat ,buffalo,N.Y. December,1999 |
Haggerty,Gerard,"Doubles,the art of JungHyang Kim." Exhibition Catalogue, Hallwalls Contemporary Arts Center, Buffalo, NY. |
Artful Minds, Berkshire, MA, 7/24/99 |
1997 |
Park, YoungTaek, "DOTS", Keumho Museum, Exhibition catalogue, Seoul, January 1997, Seoul, Korea |
Stack,Sara, "Renaissance In Hudson" , Taconic Newspaper 7/31/97 |
Tuyet,Nguyen Anh, " Flower Power", Asia Times ,1/1/97 |
Kim, Yu Yeon, "Jung Hyang Kim", Art Asia Pacific, Review of exhibition,reproductions, #13,1997 |
Cho, Sang-Hee, "Sixteen Artist works on Dot on Display". The Korea Times, 1/9/97 |
1996 |
Kushner,Robert, "Jung Hyang Kim at Art Projects International", Art In America, Review of Exhibitions,reproductions,API,12/96 |
Ebony, David, "Phenomenlogical Hybrids: The Paintings of Kim, Jung Hyang". SPACE Magazine reproductions, API,4/96 |
Yoshinaga,Miyako,"Jung hyang kim" , NIKKEI ART,Tokyo.Japan, July 1996 |
Smith,Roberta,"Enter Youth,Quieter and Subtler," New York Times, May 17,1996 |
Ebony,David," The NYC Top Ten" , Reproduction, Internet site, May 1996 |
Jung Hyang Kim :Recent Works, Introduction by Gerard Haggerty, Reproductions, API, NYC. April 1996 |
1995 |
Goodman,Jonathan, " Jung Hyang Kim and Jian-Jun Zhang", SPACE Magazine, reproductions, Seoul, Korea, July 1995 |
The Korea Times, New York, N.Y. 3/3/95 |
1989 |
Song, Mi Sook, " Reflections on a Person's Mind", SPACE Magazine, reproductions, Seoul ,Korea February 1989 |
1988 |
Jung Hyang Kim, Introduction by Scott Gutterman, Exhibition catalogue, reproductions SPACE
Gallery, Seoul, Korea, October 1988 |
1987 |
The Early 80's In Japan and Korea, International Art Center of Kyoto, Japan 1987 |
1986 |
Leher,Brian, The Korean Americans, Chelsea House Publishers, New York, NY. 1986 |
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Daru-Jung-Hyang-Kim/104836586276199?ref=hl |
http://galeriecaplain-matignon.com/attachments/article/64/DossierPresseDARU.pdf |
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/27/nyregion/27artsli.html |
http://laticreteaustralia.blogspot.com/2012/03/mosaic-art-lig-headquarters.html?spref=fb |
http://www.hermanmiller.com/lifework/ideal-livework-space-jung-hyang-kim/ |
http://www.cstimes.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=53088 |
http://blog.daum.net/kimuks/7532665 |
http://www.design.co.kr/section/news_detail.html?info_id=52821&category=000000060002 |
http://culturenow.org/entry&permalink=04698&seo=Wheel-of-BloomSoak-Up-the-Sun_Jung-Hyang-Kim-and-MTA-Arts-For-Transit |
http://secure.wpunj.edu/pub-info/Releases03/HyangKim.htm |